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History of Pyes

Last Friday, the Historical Society's "Friday on the Porch" was "The History of Pyes" by Rev. Karen Campbell, with hands on (rolling pin on) experience. It began with an overview of the history of pie including an explanation of how "Four and twenty blackbirds" were "Baked in a pie". This was entertainment.  The kitchen staff would blow smoke in the faces of the blackbirds to stun them, hustle them into a pie, quickly cover them with a crust, and swiftly deliver the delicacy to the lord of the manor before they "came to". When he cut into the pie, the blackbirds would fly out to everyone's amusement.

Rev. Campbell kindly made a small packet of the pie dough ingredients for each participant, who assembled the ingredients and rolled out the pastry dough in the airconditioned whaleboat shop. Apples, peaches, raspberries and blueberries were the filling selections today; no blackbirds here. Small and large pies went home with the day's bakers to be baked off there. Word has it that they were all simply delicious.

Tom & Vanessa Rolling Out Pastry in the Whaleboat Shop
Tom & Vanessa Rolling Out Pastry in the Whaleboat Shop